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Agricultural Education Day-2024

Indian Council of Agricultural Research has designated on 3rd December as “Agricultural Education Day” to commemorate the birth anniversary of first President of Independent India and Union Minister of Agriculture, Bharat Ratna, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. For celebrating Agricultural Education Day-2024, College of Agriculture, Vellayani organised different programs to create awareness on the significance of
agricultural education, its relevance to the development of the nation and to attract the young generation to choose agriculture as the professional career after schooling.  

  1. “Awareness Program on Importance of Agricultural Higher Education for the Development of India” to the students of Govt. Model HSS, Punnamood 

The NSS units and the Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Vellayani organised an awareness program for the Higher Secondary School Students of Govt. Model HSS, Punnamoodu to highlight the importance of agriculture and educate about the prospects of studying agricultural courses. Dr. Sangeetha. K. G., Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Agricultural Extension Education and NSS Program Officer, inspired students with a talk on ‘Importance of Agricultural Higher Education for the Development of India’. The talk highlighted pivotal role of agriculture in Indian economy and emphasizing the need for young people to lead future agricultural advancements. The lecture broadened student understanding of agriculture, its multifaceted dimensions and relevance to national progress.  It fostered interest in agricultural and allied fields.  Mr. Jils Justas, PG scholar from the Department of Extension Education delivered a talk on ‘Potential career opportunities in Agriculture’. The students were made aware that the knowledge and skill from the course will help them to acquire diverse career opportunities. He also explained about the entrance procedure and how to prepare for the competitive examinations. The speakers then responded to student queries and clarified their doubts regarding diverse facets of agricultural programs.  Smt. Rani K. R., Principal of Govt. Model HSS, Punnamood, welcomed the audience, and Sri. Shine Rajan, NSS Programme Officer, Govt. Model HSS, Punnammod proposed a vote of thanks. A total of 50 NSS volunteers of GMVHSS, Punnamood participated in the awareness programme.

         2.  Poster presentation by PGDAEM students, Dept. Of Agricultural Extension Education As part of Agricultural Education Day celebrations, the Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM) students were given awareness on the importnace of Higher education in Agriculture by Dr. Allan Thomas, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension Education. The PGDAEM students brought Agricultural Education Day to life with a vibrant poster presentation. This initiative not only provided the students with a platform to express their ideas but also reinforced their understanding the importance of agricultural education day. The team of teachers of the Dept of Agricultural Extension Education provided proper guidance and supervision for the event.


College of Agriculture, Vellayani


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695522