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Dr. Beela G K

Dr. Beela G. K.
Professor and Head, Department of Community Science
Attached Department: 

Department of Community Science

College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Mobile Phone No: 
+91 98461 03127
Email ID: 
Address (Residence): 
128 A Swathy Nagar Lane 1,
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695005
dr_beela-_brief_introduction.pdf74.68 KB

Dr Beela.G.K has been a faculty at the Kerala Agricultural University since 1997 where her courses include Maternal and Child Nutrition, Nutrition through life cycle , Global Nutrition, Nutrition in Immunity & Community Nutrition. Her research scholars ( PhD & PG) areas include Garden based Nutrition Education, Garden based diet therapy for Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Syndrome, Gluten free Casein free diet for Autism Management and Stroke Nutrition. She develops and applies empirical methods in the implementation of Horticultural Therapy for community with special needs by bringing together research and philanthropy. Besides her many scholarly articles published in journals, her books include Horticultural therapy and A tool Kit to ADHD. Her honors include the John walkers Community Service award (2020) from American Horticultural therapy Association, Kansas University, USA and Kavungal Mahila Ratnam award ( 2013). She served as Director of the Centre for Disability Studies , Poojapura between 2011 to 2016. An expert in child development and advocacy for women, children and persons with disabilities , she also writes and extends her expertise  on Horticultural therapy by establishing gardens  for children with special needs  in more than twenty schools across Kerala.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695522