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Rafeekher M, Dr.

Assistant Professor and Head
Attached Department: 

Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 
Land Phone No (Residence): 

 Four years of  experience in research and twelve years of experience in Agricultural Extension  which include three years of service in Thiruvananthapuram KVK and six years of service in Department of Agriculture. Joined KAU as Assistant Professor (Horticulture) since 23-4-2010 and implemented Projects/ Schemes with out lay of 38.5 Lakhs, conducted  1854 demonstrations/ trials in188.86 Ha, conducted 110 Trainings for 3674 farmers, participated in 7 Exhibitions and in 13 seminars/ conferences/ work shops during  the service rendered at KAU. Also published 7 Research Papers, 3 Papers in Conference Proceedings, 7 Popular Articles, 1 Booklet, 9 Abstracts/ Posters, 1 Web posting.  Domains of interest are horticultural research, extension and entrepreneurship development through value addition in fruits and vegetables.


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College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695522