Reji Rani O.P , Dr
Department of Agricultural Entomology
Graduated [B.Sc (Ag)] from Kerala Agricultural University in 1992; M.Sc (Ag) in Ag. Entomology in 1995 (KAU); Ph.D. in Ag. Entomology in 2001.
Five years of service as Agricultural Officer, Govt. Of Kerala; Joined KAU as Asst. Professor in 2005. Three years service in KVK; Currently engaged in teaching, research and extension activities. Specialization in Biological control of crop pests especially Insect Pathology. The research focused on fungal biopesticides and the development of bio formulations. Serves as a resource person in the transfer of technology via training and mass media. Interested in the diagnosis of field problems and advisory services.
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