Sub Lt. (Dr.). Pratheesh P. Gopinath

Assistant Professor & Head
Attached Department:
Department of Agricultural Statistics
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Mobile Phone No:
Email ID:
Address (Residence):
Madhuvanathil Sauparnika(H), Maruthi Jn., Koothattukulam
Ernakulam Kerala 686662
Educational Qualifications:
MSc in Agricultural Statistics (ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi)
PhD in Agricultural Statistics (ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi)
Projects handled
- Developing, testing and assessing scalability of Statistical Package for data analysis in Agricultural research under observational trial of RARS
- Potential Impact of climate change and flood on Kerala soils. AEU wise mitigation and adaptive strategies - co PI
- Identification of molecular markers and QTL linked to nutritional and functional properties of speciality land races of rice from Kerala using association genetic analysis- co PI
Technology developed
- Developed Web application GRAPES (General R based Analysis Platform Empowered by Statistics) for online data analysis (over 30k users)(
- Developed open-source R package grapesAgri1 with 13K downloads.
- Developed Online repository for opensource R packages developed.
Other posts held
- Former Assistant Professor of Statistics, Nehru Arts and Science College, Kanhangad, Kasaragod, Kerala (affl. Kannur University)
- Member of Technical Advisory Panel of Agriculture division, Kerala State Planning Board
- Technical and Statistical assistance for modelling and analyzing COVID-19 management in the State of Kerala, GoK
Administrative and institutional building activities
- Associate NCC officer of NCC unit (Naval)
- Head of the Department (i/c) Department of Physical Education
- Officer in charge of Trainees Hostel and Guest house
- IT nodal officer, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
- Campus officer, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
- Technical cell co-convenor
- Webmaster of College of Agriculture, Vellayani
- Social media champion of the institute (Ministry of Human Resource Development )
- Maintainer of University Facebook page
- Facilitator and mentor K-DISC (YIP) Young Innovators Programme
- Custodian and maintainer of smart classroom
- Maintainer and in charge of KAU-Moodle handle for online education of the institute
- Master trainer KAU AUMS
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KAU Main Websites
College of Agriculture
Kerala Agricultural University
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695522