Archana Raghavan Sathyan, Dr.

Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Dr. Archana Raghavan Sathyan has obtained her Ph.D. Degree from Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany in 2019 with German Academic Exchange Scholarship (DAAD). She completed her International Master’s in Rural Development from Gent University of Belgium and Humboldt University of Berlin with Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from European Commission. She holds her second Master’s in Agricultural Extension from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (Junior Research Fellowship from ICAR) and Post Graduate Diploma in Extension Education & Management from MANAGE, Hyderabad. She served various state departments (VHSE & Soil Conservation) for 5 years before joining KAU in March 2019. Her main research focus is on Climate Change Vulnerability & Adaptation Studies, Participatory Approaches in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development and Agricultural Knowledge and Information System. She holds External Membership in Center for International Development & Research (ZEU), JLU, Giessen, Germany.
Awards & recognition
- External Member, Center for International Development & Research (ZEU), JLU, Giessen, Germany
- Returning Expert, Centre for International Migration and Development and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), New Delhi
- Justus Liebig University Scholarship for women 2018, JLU, Giessen
- Young Scientist Award and the Best Paper presentation award, International Congress for Environmental Research-16, Luebeck, Germany
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship for Development Related Post Graduate Courses from the Government of Germany (2014-2017)
- Erasmus Mundus scholarship from the European Commission (2007-2009) for pursuing IMRD
- TATA fellowship for International Agricultural & Rural Development course, Cornell University, New York, USA
- University Top - Master’s in Agricultural Extension, TNAU, Coimbatore
- Junior Research Fellowship by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (2005-2007)
- Kerala Agricultural University Merit Scholarship (2001-2004)
International Publications
- Sam, A. S., Abbas, A., Padmaja, S. S., Sathyan, A. R., Vijayan, D., Kächele, H., Kumar, R., & Müller, K. 2021. Flood vulnerability and food security in eastern India: A threat to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 66, 102589. (Impact Factor: 4.320)
- Ullah, A., Sam, A. S., Sathyan, A. R., Mahmood, N., Zeb, A., & Kächele, H. 2021. Role of local communities in forest landscape restoration: Key lessons from the Billion Trees Afforestation Project. Science of The Total Environment, 772, 145613. (Impact Factor: 7.963)
- Funk, C., Raghavan Sathyan, A., Winker, P., & Breuer, L. 2021. Changing Climate - Changing Livelihood: Smallholder’s Perceptions and Adaption Strategies, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 259, (Impact Factor: 6.789)
- Phama, N. T. T., Nong, D., Raghavan Sathyan, A., & Garschagen, M. 2020. Vulnerability assessment of households to flash floods and landslides in the poor upland regions of Vietnam, Climate Risk Management, Vol 28, (Impact Factor: 4.090)
- Raghavan Sathyan. A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., & Breuer, L. 2018. Climate Vulnerability in Rainfed Farming: Analysis from Indian Watersheds. Sustainability. 10(9):3357. (Impact Factor: 3.251)
- Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., & Breuer, L. 2018. Sensitivity analysis of a climate vulnerability index - a case study from Indian watershed development programs. Climate Change Responses. 5: 1.
- Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T., & Breuer, L., 2016. Participatory vulnerability analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. Journal of Environmental Research & Development, 11 (1), 196-209
Book chapters
Indira Devi P., Sam A. S., Sathyan A. R. 2022. Resilience to Climate Stresses in South India: Conservation Responses and Exploitative Reactions. In: Enamul Haque A., Mukhopadhyay P., Nepal M., Shammin M.R. (eds) Climate Change and Community Resilience. Springer, Singapore.
International Conferences/Seminars
1. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Chenthuran, B., Vijayan, A., and Thanu Iyer, R. 2019. Ecosystem Based Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation and Mitigation: A Mobile App Based Approach for Hotspots of Kerala State, India, Tropentag-2019, Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management, September 18 - 20, 2019, Universities of Kassel and Goettingen, Germany (Poster)
2. Vijayan, A., Job, E., and Raghavan Sathyan, A. 2019. Addressing Sustainability of Fresh Water Lake: The Ecosystem Valuation of Vellayani Lake in South India, Tropentag-2019, Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management, September 18 - 20, 2019, Universities of Kassel and Goettingen, Germany (Poster)
3. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., and Breuer, L. 2018. Changing Climate - Changing Livelihood: Farmer's Perceptions and Adaptation Strategies, Indian Watershed Context. Tropentag 2018 on Global food security and food safety: The role of universities, September 17 - 19, 2018, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (Oral).
4. Thanh, N. P. T., Raghavan Sathyan, A., Rhyner, J. and Garschagen, M.m2018. Adaptation to Flash Floods and Landslides of Rural Households in the Northern Vietnam: An Insight into the Key Drivers. Tropentag 2018 on Global food security and food safety: The role of universities, September 17 - 19, 2018, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (Poster).
5. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., and Breuer, L. 2017. Climate vulnerability assessment and sensitivity analysis in rainfed farming communities of Kerala, India. Tropentag 2017 on ‘Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts’, 20-22 September 2017, Bonn (Poster).
6. Thanh, N. P. T., Raghavan Sathyan, A., Rhyner, J. and Garschagen, M., 2017. Assessing Household Vulnerability to Flash Floods and Landslides: Key Insights from Vietnam. Tropentag 2017 on Future Agriculture: Socio-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts, September 20-22, 2017, Bonn, Germany (Oral).
7. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L. 2016. Participatory climate vulnerability analysis of watershed communities: an indicator approach. Tropentag 2016 on ‘Solidarity in a Competing World - Fair Use of resources’, 19 – 21 September 2016, Vienna, Austria (Poster).
8. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L. 2016. Participatory vulnerability analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. 8th International Congress of Environmental Research, 27/28 July 2016, Luebeck, Germany- Young Scientist and Best Paper Presentation Award (Oral presentation & Full paper).
9. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L. 2016. Climate vulnerability analysis facilitating transformation of watersheds in Kerala, India. 12th IFSA Europe Symposium on ‘Social and Technological Transformation of Farming Systems: Diverging and Converging Pathways’, 12-15 July, 2016, Harper Adams University, Shropshire, UK (Oral Presentation & Full paper)
National Conferences/Seminars
1. Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L., 2015. Participatory vulnerability and stakeholder analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for capacity development in climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. National Seminar on ‘Human Resource Planning in India’, 15/16 December, 2015, Kozhikode, Kerala, India (Abstract)
2. Archana, R. and Ganesan, R. 2008. Impact of Kudumbashree programme on Gender Empowerment: National seminar on SHG for Rural Upliftment –Emerging Issues and Strategies, 12 & 13 July 2008, Delhi, India (Abstract)
3. Archana, R. and Ganesan, R. 2007. Impact of Kudumbashree programme on Gender Empowerment: National Seminar on Extension at Madurai, India (Oral)
4. Archana, R. and Palaniswamy, A. 2006. Training of ATMA stakeholders for fostering knowledge and skill centric agricultural growth. National Seminar on ‘Extension Strategies for Fostering Knowledge Centric Agricultural Growth’, 2/3 December 2006, Puducherry, India (Oral)
International Trainings/Workshops
• International DAAD Alumni Advanced Training Seminar on ‘Technical and Social Innovations for Sustainable Agri-value Chain Development and Job Creation in Rural Areas, 10-20 September 2019, University of Kassel and the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Germany
• Participated in the workshop on ‘Qualitative Research Methods’, 12-14 June 2017, Institute of Development Research, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
• Workshop on ‘Conflict Management & Solutions’,10 May, 2017, Graduate Centre for Social Sciences (GGS) , JLU, Giessen, Germany
• Workshop on ‘Teaching Excellence: International Teaching certificate’, 3-4 April 2017, GGS, JLU, Giessen, Germany
• Workshop on ‘Train the Trainer: Academic writing’, 3rd & 10th March, 2017, GGS, JLU, Giessen, Germany
• Workshop on ‘Qualitative Research & Developing Grounded Theory in Social Sciences’, TU, Munchen, Germany
• Training on ‘Publishing and Writing Strategies for Agricultural Economists’, 9-13 March, 2015, JLU, Giessen, Germany.
• Training on ‘Introduction to Geographic Information Systems & Spatial Data Analysis’, 26-30 January, 2015, IAMO, Halle, Germany
• MOOC Programmes on ‘Planetary Boundaries & Human Opportunities’, ‘Climate Change Science and Negotiations’ and ‘The Age of Sustainable Development’ offered by Sustainable Development Goal Academy, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), United Nations
• DAAD conference on ‘Global Population Growth and Demographic Change - Challenges to the Economy, Politics and Society: 'Soil and water conservation for future generation', 8-10 May, 2015, Mannheim, Germany
• Workshop on ‘Qualitative Research Methods: Focus Group Discussions and Interviews’, 13th & 20th January 2015, JLU, Giessen, Germany
• Training on ‘Modelling with GAMS software’, July 2014, JLU, Giessen, Germany
• Seminar on ‘International Development Strategies-Supply Chain Management for Food Security and Trade Facility', 19 November 2014, Institute for Regional Planning, JLU, Giessen, Germany
Projects - Principal Investigator
- Preparing Women and Children to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic through Need-Based Capacity Building Programmes and Nutrition Garden: Critical Inquiry from Kerala- Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), New Delhi-2021-22
- Introducing Citizen Science Approach for Climate Smart Rice Variety Selection: A Case Analysis of Smallholder Rice Farmers from Kuttanad Region, Kerala- Kerala State Planning Board-2020-22
- Setting up an ICT enabled social science lab in the Department of Agricultural Extension, Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), New Delhi-2020-2021
Co-Principal Investigator
- Mapping Climate Change Induced Vulnerability and Trade Offs in Agro-ecological Zones of Kerala- Kerala State Planning Board.
- Climate Change, Floods and Rural Farming Communities in Kuttanad: A Shift from Disaster Management Towards Disaster Preparedness- Climate Change and Environment Department, Kerala.
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